Sunday, March 17, 2013

Fear Not - Isaiah 41:10

Over the passed week I have had to hold to the faith that God is in control.  It isn't anything I can see at the moment, but by looking at past history, I know that there is a path that is being directed and just as I cannot see a road over the mountain top, there is a path that He wants me to follow.

In these times of strife and unknown information (the latter because it has not yet come to light), I have found myself hoping God would just give me the remote control so I could hit the fast forward button and get to the end of the story.  At least I could know that things work out and even if they don't work out for my intended reasons, they do work out for His good.  The unknown is the worst thing.  It conjures up multiple story possibilities and we all know that those possibilities might not be swayed in the direction of rainbows and happy faces.

I have to remember Isaiah 41:10

                fear not, for I am with you;
                                             be not dismayed, for I am your God;
                       I will strengthen you, I will help you,
                                              I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

I have yet to internalize this because I still have concern for things that involve those that I love.  I need to let go of this fear that God isn't in control.  He is and for what it is worth, God's glory will prevail, maybe not in my time (immediate or lifetime) but in His time.

Who knows, this blip of a crises that seems overwhelming now will be a fleeting memory 10 years from now.  Maybe those involved will have moments that Job experienced - being blamed for something he did not do.  For the sake of families involved, I pray this is the case but I am not so sure it will come to fruition.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Almost There, Be Steadfast

The end of the semester is in two days.  At this point in time, my guess is that parents have looked at their students grades and for some, lacking and slacking students, the outlook does not look as bright.  What has been a life of non-involved students who I know have needed assistance but refusing, is not the swampland of the kids who want to be able to see their phones, ipods, iPads, computers and the like after next Monday when they will be held for the ransom of "you need to improve your grade".

First quarter, I gave students a break and accepted missing and late work, but this quarter is not the same.  Students were given printed documentation of their individual grades at least every three weeks.  I don't think it is unreasonable to expect students to attempt to improve on their own BUT I know some students have a fear of fessing up so I emailed these same documents to the parents - but here is the rub, many of my parents refuse to give an email address and when attempting to call home, phone numbers tend to be a crap shoot.  I have found a high correlation to students who are not good at completing in-class assignments/homework and parents who have 4 or 5 different phone numbers because the phone has been cut off and they are finding a "cheaper" service.

I have resorted to not giving homework and taking a "total recall" grade at least two times a week so that I have some kind of grade that represents the level of understanding.  The problem is, I feel conflicted.  What service am I doing to these kids who barely do the minimum.  At some point in time, the dog and pony shows that keep their interest have to transition to something of their own desire to learn so they can be intelligent voters and citizens of our future.  It is exhausting.  But it is almost time to start again.  In the next five days I need to develop a new plan of attack that will challenge my students to desire to uncover information from their own perspective and be able to apply it.

Almost there.  Lord, help me to remain unshaken and steadfast, to stand my ground and expect light to get through the cracked surfaces of my students' hearts.

James 1:12
Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him

Monday, January 14, 2013

What is my mission?

Judges 13:12 And Manoah said, “Now when your words come true, what is to be the child's manner of life, and what is his mission?” 

In Judges 13, the birth of Samson is brought to light through an angel of God.  Isn't it great that more often than not, women find it easier to believe than men, well, with the exception of Sarah who laughed when over hearing that she would bear a son at the age of 80.  Frankly I think I might have laughed too but not in a “you must be kidding” way but rather in the “they’re coming to take me away! HA HA” way.

And many times it seems as if the men in the story have a way to question their faith.  In this story, Manoah finds out from his wife he is going to be a father – because some unknown man told her.

Side note:  we find out the man’s name but the wife is always referred to as WOMAN, as if she doesn't matter.  That is a little disconcerting to me.  Without her, there would not have been a Samson. But I digress.  Let’s get back to the story.

Now, can you imagine your wife coming to you and saying something like:

Woman:  Hey, man of my dreams, love of my life, I am pregnant and I can’t drink wine with you on date night, I can’t eat all those sweet gooey things you love to buy or those great high calorie “unhealthy” foods because I will be birthing a Nazirite.  Oh and by the way, we aren’t allowed to cut his hair… EVER.  No first hair cut to be documented ever.
Manoah:  How do you know?  You have been  barren all your life. 
Woman:  A man of God told me while at our house 
Manoah:  What?  There was a man at the house?  Were you drinking when he was there?  What ELSE happened that he is so sure you are preggers? 
Woman:  If you want those answers, you better start praying buddy.

All kidding aside, Manoah actually does pray for answers and the man of God returns but this time out in the open, in a field.  Basically a conversation ensues and Manoah asks the question of the ages

12 And Manoah said, “Now when your words come true, what is to be the child's manner of life, and what is his mission?” 

This is me most of my life but the words that I usually utter is “Can you just push the fast forward button so I can see how it will all turn out? I just want to know all the pain and suffering will have a purpose and I will know that everything will be all right.”

I know this is a sign of not acting as if I put my trust in God.  I know I have not yet let go so that I can “let God” work out his plan.  I am too comfortable in my own circumstances because they are familiar.  Why add frustration to my life based on unknown factors.  This might be due in part that I have to have everything planned out in my job as a teacher and have a plan A, B and C – just in case.

What I need to do is offer up my version of Manoah and his wife’s burnt offering and just allow God to do his great works through me instead of around me.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Acts 8:4-25 Giving Him Your All

Bottom Line:  God has given everything to us.  Have we (and do we every day) give ourselves back to God?

A friend of mine posted this on her social media wall "God wants full custody of you, not weekend visitation."

Christians like to think of having themselves committed to God, yet we are afraid to do just that.  Examples that come to mind:
I would give more, but I have to be able to pay the mortgage (and go out with my friends, and...)
I am willing to dive into the bible more often, but first I have to.....
I will be more active in my church, however, I am not as church/Christian as many who are leading ....

I must confess, I have had instances of all of these statements and more, and I still do have these issues but they come and go in cycles.

In this reading, we come to know a little about Simon the Magician.  He knows how to bewilder the masses so they are willing to work for him - a little on the occult side  I would say.  He sees and hears the things that Phillip is professing about Jesus Christ.  You could say he got that Sunday morning feeling - a believing that makes us feel good inside, he even was baptized and starting following Phillip around in hopes to hear more and learn more.  Phillip is doing so well in Samaria (which is like going and preaching in enemy territory) that word gets back to the apostles and they send Peter and John to see what is going on.  Can you imagine?  They must have been like proud parents going to see what their newly Christian kid has been doing in the land that didn't like the idea of people preaching about Christ.

In on the scene comes Peter and John, who continue to speak to the masses about Jesus and pray for the Holy Spirit to descend upon those new Christians.  It is almost as if all these new Christians had all the head knowledge of Jesus, but without the presence of the Holy Spirit, there was not much in the way of "heart knowledge" of the Messiah.  When Peter and John laid hands on these individuals, it must have been like a light coming on.  Understanding in a way that had never been experienced because these baby Christians were ready to receive the Holy Spirit.

At this point, Simon thinks there is something to this and wants to know the trick.  In fact, he is willing to pay for it.  You might say that Simon just doesn't get it.  Peter ends up giving him the what for and lets Simon know that his money is no good and you can't receive the feeling/blessing/Holy Spirit because "your heart is not right before God. " (Act 8:21)

Isn't that the way it always goes?  You are not in the right mind set to get things done.  Your intent is for YOU to be getting the best, not God.  In the long run, you are suffering/agonizing/guilt-ridden because you know what you need to do, but your heart just isn't in it, and since we tend to make decisions on emotion at times, it is easy to way-lay yourself from doing what is right.

I don't want to be a "Simon".  Not only is he told his heart is in the wrong place but Peter goes on to tell him he better get his act together and repent and PRAY like hell and MAYBE, "if possible", your heart's intent MIGHT be forgiven.  There is no one on Earth wants to get a "maybe" as an answer.  Simon does not either so he asks Peter to pray that he is not abandoned by the Lord.  How is that for a cliff hanger?  We don't even know if Simon does receive the Holy Spirit.  All we know is that the apostles went on and continued to preach the Gospel.

So where are we in our walk to getting into the right mind/heart standing for us to receive the Holy Spirit?  Are we willing to give our life, our thoughts, our time, our gifts and our money with the idea that God will provide in the long run?  This is not the Prosperity Gospel as much as it is an ETERNITY Gospel.  God will provide ... in the end.  Are we willing to give it all to Him with that understanding?  If we can, we might be more ready to receive His blessings as well as the peace that the Holy Spirit can give us.

Today's picture - Reflections

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Thankful for Marvelous Mom and Darling Daughter

Gratitude:  a means of giving thanks for the many blessings that are brought into our life.  It is the one thing that I am not good at doing.  I have a propensity to find the things that can go wrong before I can make myself find the things that are blessings - no matter how big or small.  I guess that comes with the sinful nature that man experiences.  It is so easy to slack off and so hard (for me in some things) to work to keep the train moving.  Inertia could be my middle name.  :)

So since I know nothing just "happens" without taking the first start, I think I am going to start more gratitude posts.  I am thankful for my mom who as I grow older, becomes more and more closer in mind, thought, and circumstances.  We do not live within a close range to see one another, but when we are, there are things that we will say or do that make us both giggle or shake our head in disbelief that we have some of the same sentiments.  I must say, there were times in my life when I thought I would never get along with her - though no one really knew this.  We played a little bit of the "cold war"or "find a way to be too busy" to notice that we were both really miserable.  There are still fences to be mended and bridges to cross, but they will come in time if they are really that important to either of us.  At this point in time, I have not lived under her roof for almost 30 years so there is no use bringing up old dirt.

Love that mom o'mine but I have to admit, there is a bond that may be stronger when you have your own kid.  I am thankful for a daughter who has a good head on her shoulders and a will to do the best she can.  She is creative and funny, at times she blows me away with the depth of her understanding of the human will and at other times I worry that she is blazing down the same burnt out trail of relationships that I once road.  It may not be pretty, I will be disheartening, but growth will come from it.  I just hope she doesn't do everything her mom did.

Growth.... there is so much to say about it, but that will have to be for another post.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Overview Effect

There is something about watching videos that have an emphasis on taking care of Earth that just amazes me.  I am touched by how awesome God's creation is and then think, "Wow, God has this view EVERY DAY!"

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I am doing a great work...

Nehemiah was lead by God to go "visit" Jerusalem and found the city wall in a shambles.  To improve the safety of the area as well as possibly have the residents take ownership and pride in the town, he directed the towns people to rebuild the dilapidated wall.  In the process, he also helped in the renovating and rebuilding of the wall.

With the possibility of  Jerusalem being fortified, those who were able to rule over the city for the long years of the torn down wall were worried that Nehemiah might create his own "strength" and cause them to be alarmed.  So these rulers tried to distract Nehemiah and encouraged him to come off the wall (and the building of the wall) and meet with other powers that be.  (The real reason was to lure him off the wall to kill him.)

Nehemiah's response was one of purpose and one of following the will of God.  "I am doing a great work and cannot come down."

We all need to keep this in mind.  If what we are doing with our lives is God-honoring, we should not be easily distracted and continue along the path of purpose.  For me, health - both physical and financial - have been way overly distracted and with no purpose that could be considered God-honoring.  So part of my designs on this upcoming year is to "do a great work" and "not come down" until the project is complete.

Staying on the path to good "health" is the thing I am seeking.  And speaking of paths.... here is one of my more recent photo ops

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Polar Plunge

Colder in the water than out of the water.  Lots of people but only for about 20 minutes - long enough to get in and have friends take pictures and then get back home and dry off
If you look you look close you will see it was 59* in the water but 65 out of the water.
Lots of people came to watch, others came to plunge
And once they were in, they were right back out.  I have a few pictures of me but I will wait on posting them.  I went in once my friends came back and could hold the camera.
Then it was off to breakfast.  This was a different start to the new year.

New Years!

It is now 2 hours into the new year and I am thinking that I might take part in the Polar Plunge that is at 9am.  That would require me to 1. find something to dunk myself in - because Lord only knows where my swim suit is located and 2. get everything ready (clothes for both during and after the plunge) and 3. get my butt to bed.

If I get up by 8, I will make it.  Did I tell you I haven't gotten out of bed until 11ish during this entire Christmas break?  HAHAHAHAHAHAHA  (Oh school on Wednesday is going to be murder on my body clock.)