Saturday, December 29, 2012


My middle name, my arch nemesis, my guilt creator.  I have had some great ideas over the years yet because of that devil Mr. P, I have limited follow through.  I can start things but without a long term plan, things vaporize pretty quickly.

I have had two weeks to complete the grading of papers, yet I am now down to two days and haven't even gotten those papers out of my car.  Between that and my lesson plans that I thought I would attack during the Christmas break, my New Years Eve will probably be spent at my desk at home - don't get me wrong, I know it is my own undoing.  I have found the luxury of sleeping in and going for photography jaunts more appealing than doing the things that actually help to pay my bills.  I have always known that I would be a teacher, but not to do it for life.  I want to do something that gives me more joy - rather than being the task master/policing agent of all things "standardized".

Maybe that is the thing.  I just get no joy out of teaching the way I use to and I have become a processor with a warped sense of humor and the ability to make students laugh at times.  I wish I didn't teach something that was "standardized" with testing and benchmarks.  I just want to teach.

Hmm, maybe I need to think about doing something I more readily enjoy.  In the mean time, maybe one more photographic jaunt......C'mon Mr. P.

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